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Re-align (The Other Side)
[ Для скачивания файла необходима регистрация. ] 23.12.2008, 23:17
Decisions made from desperation
No way to go
Internal instincts craving isolation
For me to grow

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign

Fell in a river of illusion
And apathy
Drowning in a self-induced confusion
I'd rather be

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign


Yeah! [4x]

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign
Decisions made from desperation
No way to go
Internal instincts craving isolation
For me to grow

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign

Fell in a river of illusion
And apathy
Drowning in a self-induced confusion
I'd rather be

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign


Yeah! [4x]

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign
Категория: Godsmack - песни | Добавил: godsmack
Просмотров: 455 | Загрузок: 2 | Комментарии: 3 | Рейтинг: 4.0/1 |
Всего комментариев: 2
2 godsmack  
Про возрождение.
Decisions made from desperation
No way to go
Internal instincts craving isolation
For me to grow

My fears come alive
In this place where I once died
Demons dreaming
Knowing I...I just needed to realign

Отчаяние управляет решениями,
Нет пути дальше.
Внутренние инстинкты требуют уединения
Для моего развития.

Мои чувства просыпаются,
Здесь, где я однажды умер.
Демоны спят.
Знаешь, мне просто надо... измениться...

Приблизительно так)

1 DarkPain  
А о чём песня народ?????

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